All PhD students at the Faculty
are members
are welcome at the general assembly held twice a year
can be elected to the Board at the general assembly
are welcome at the Board Meetings (approximately once a month)
The PhD-association is an independent association but collaborate with the leaders of the PhD School.
The PhD-association participates in the political research debate, organises meetings, and is involved in many projects that aim to create better education and better conditions for PhD students.
We have our bylaws to guide us through the day.
The PhD-association at the Faculty of Health Sciences, Aarhus University, was established April 14th 1994 by a group of PhD students. The initiative was taken due to the ever rising number of PhD students enrolled as well as the special conditions involving the clinical sector.
Ahead of the establishment of the PhD-association, a questionnaire survey was performed among the PhD students (Medicus 2/94). There was a clear interest to make a PhD-association, eventhough almost all (97 %) assessed their PhD programme as either "Good" or "reasonable". Though 30% had trouble getting financial support for their PhD-project. 25% found that the guidance during their PhD was professionally or timewise inadequate.